Learn These Early Signs Of A Weakening Kidney

Do you know that people with weak kidneys can experience unwanted body changes, such as hair loss and nail discoloration? Sadly, these appearance changes can affect people’s self-esteem. But hair and nails do not sound related to the kidneys, right? Here we are going to explain a little more.
Hair and nails are made up of protein. A proper renal diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein and nutrients that are essential for healthy hair and nails. However, some people with kidney problems have a poor appetite, which may result in insufficient protein to maintain healthy hair and nails.
People with kidney damage have a higher risk of suffering zinc, calcium, iron, and B vitamins deficiencies. Vitamin deficiency can also contribute to hair and nail abnormalities. A regular blood test is suitable for monitoring vitamin levels. Supplements will be prescribed if the levels are low.
Hair and nail abnormalities can be a result of medication side effects. Doctors will advise on changes in medication use when the link between medication and body changes is confirmed. If any bodily changes are observed, talk to the healthcare providers but don’t stop taking medicine on your own.
Besides this modern knowledge, traditional Kampo theory also supports that hair and nails reflect our kidney and liver health. In the Kampo concept, the liver and kidney systems are responsible for the nutrient supply for hair growth. If these 2 systems can function well, people will have smooth and shiny hair. However, people will have slower hair growth, brittle hair, and grey hair if the systems are compromised.
Although there is a difference in how Kampo's theory and modern science classify the liver and kidney system, hair and nails are indeed related to our kidney and liver health. Weakened body systems can cause bodily changes. If that has already happened, eat enough nutrients (follow what the healthcare provider advised), take the prescribed vitamins or medication, and avoid anything harsh to the hair and nails.
- * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.