
Is DTS Good For Healthy Individuals?

Is DTS Good For Healthy Individuals?

DTS is scientifically proven to be beneficial to kidney function and has a positive effect on supporting the eGFR level. It is suitable for people to use as kidney support. Some may wonder, how about individuals without any kidney issues? Is DTS good for them too?


Absolutely yes! As “prevention is better than cure” is one of the basic modern healthcare strategies, the best time to take DTS is right before any kidney and liver problems show up. The herbal ingredients of DTS include Panax Pseudoginseng and Eucommia (Leaf, Wood, Berry), which are known for protecting liver and kidney health, improving blood, and detoxifying and relieving pain. Research data indicates that DTS can provide comprehensive protection to the kidneys and liver and prevent kidney and liver issues.


The protection efficacy is not the only reason that makes DTS an outstanding supplement; its well-designed patent extraction method also contributes to the success of DTS. The unique patent method maximized the effects of ingredients and minimized the undesirable side effects.


Individuals without abnormal kidney function can take 8 DTS tablets per day for daily maintenance and split the dosage to twice per day. Consistency is always the key to make the best out of DTS.

  • * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.
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