
Still Looking at Creatinine Level For Kidney Function?

Still Looking at Creatinine Level For Kidney Function?

Using creatinine as an indication of kidney function level is common, but just this number alone is not the optimal way to monitor kidney health nor to detect early kidney problems. According to professional recommendations, using an eGFR level is a more accurate indication of kidney health.


Creatinine is a by-product generated from protein metabolism. Therefore, muscle mass and diet can affect creatinine generation. For example, a muscular person or a person who craves meat has a higher level of creatinine, while a thin person or a person with weak muscles has a lower level of creatinine.


A rise in creatinine can be influenced by a few factors and does not always affect the eGFR level. One thing to note is that when the serum creatinine rises above the upper limit, the eGFR level has already dropped to nearly half the normal level, which means moderate kidney damage. Therefore, using creatinine level alone as a kidney health indication may cause delayed medical care.


The equation of eGFR level takes serum creatinine level and demographic factors like age and gender into account, giving a more comprehensive reading of kidney health status. To ensure a more accurate indication of kidney function and health level, the eGFR level is the key.

  • * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.
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