Uplevel Your Well-being With Self-care
Self-care has become a hot search on the internet in recent years, and it means being aware of our physical, mental, and spiritual needs and taking action to maintain a state of true health and joy. Self-care is never synonymous with splashing out money or self-indulgence.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent diseases, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” Meanwhile, their definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Looking at these two definitions, we can say that seeking help whenever needed or maintaining healthy living habits are great examples of self-care.
We take care of ourselves regularly so we can maintain a positive well-being. Self-care can look different for everyone, and there is no need to compare our self-care practices to others. The only principle is to check in with ourselves and figure out what our bodies are asking for. Here are some examples if you need help figuring out where to start with self-care.
1. Join a community
We all experience some difficulties, traumas, or sicknesses. We may be stressed, frustrated, and unsure of what to do. Joining a community and talking to someone who has been in our shoes can help because we often feel less lonely and helpless when we have support.
2. Seek help
Always putting our physical and mental health first. If we are not feeling well and need help from professionals, don’t hesitate and act immediately.
3. Spend quality time with our loved ones
They can be family, partners, or friends. Do something fun together! It is a great way to enjoy and, at the same time, stay connected and socially active.
4. Maintain healthy living habits
That is essential to our physical health. In order to stay healthy, it requires a nutritious diet, moderate exercise, and quality sleep. It is never an easy task to fulfill all 3 aspects. The key is finding a practice that suits us so we can pick up the habit. For example
• Try meal prep to avoid impulsive eating or wasting food.
• Try different exercises, and see which makes us feel the best.
• Try different nighttime routines, such as taking a bath or walking. Find something that can make us relax before sleep.
When we take care of ourselves regularly, we can reach a state of health, joy, and peace. Cherish ourselves and live every day to the fullest.
- * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.