
Tips For Kidney Cares Under Hot Weather

Tips For Kidney Cares Under Hot Weather

It is expected that climate change will lead to frequent hot weather. The problem is very high temperatures can make people sick or even cause kidney damage in severe cases. A lot of metabolic systems will fail as the body temperature exceeds one’s ability to dissipate the heat. Dehydration can lower blood pressure and decrease kidney function. It is also possible that muscle tissues start to break down, and the kidneys stop functioning.


When the heatwaves hit, stay hydrated and stay in cool shelters. These simple cooling measurements may be good enough for generally healthy people. But people with low kidney health should take extra care to safeguard themselves.


People on dialysis will be on fluid restriction. Therefore they can’t just drink as much as they want. But since they are likely to sweat more under the heat, they are usually allowed to drink a bit more. They should also keep cool and use ice cubes and ice lollies to stay hydrated. They can speak to their healthcare providers to learn about their suitable fluid allowance.


In contrast, people with kidney transplants should drink plenty of water to ensure their kidneys are well hydrated. In addition, they should take extra care in the sun as their medicine can make their skin a bit more vulnerable.


Avoid dehydration is critical under hot weather. Use urine color as a simple hack to check if the body is hydrated or not. The urine color should be pale yellow if well hydrated. The darker the urine color, the more likely our body is dehydrated.

  • * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.
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