
Can People On Dialysis Take DTS?

Can People On Dialysis Take DTS?

People on dialysis may want to be careful about what they eat because they don't want to stress the kidneys unnecessarily. Some may try supplements to protect their kidney function, but at the same time, worry that it is a fraud and will only bring adverse effects to kidney health. Should they concern the same about DTS?


DTS is composed of high-quality Panax pseudoginseng and Eucommia (Leaf, Wood, Berry). These ingredients are well known for benefitting kidneys, liver, blood quality, and blood circulation. It is suitable for protecting kidney and liver function. Many users have reported that taking DTS positively affects the eGFR level. In general, DTS is safe and beneficial for people who are on dialysis to take to support kidney health.


The patent formula of DTS significantly reduces the raw ingredients' side effects. Studies and more than 30 years of user reports indicate no side effects or adverse effects after DTS use.


Users are recommended to take 12 DTS tablets per day and split the dosage to twice daily. Take DTS continuously for 4-6 months and have another kidney function test to compare the eGFR level.


*DTS is not designed to cure kidney problems. It cannot replace dialysis or any treatment needed.

  • * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.
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Hit Questions
How long does it take to see results? Should I stop taking it after a while? Are there any side effects? These are some of the most common questions we get, and let’s find out the answer together.   How long does it take to see results? Results often vary among different users, as no two individuals have the same condition, diet, and lifestyles, which could all play parts in the effects of DTS. Kidney damage is known to be irreversible
DTS is scientifically proven to be beneficial to kidney function and has a positive effect on supporting the eGFR level. It is suitable for people to use as kidney support. Some may wonder, how about individuals without any kidney issues? Is DTS good for them too?   Absolutely yes! As “prevention is better than cure” is one of the basic modern healthcare strategies, the best time to take DTS is right before any kidney and liver problems show up. The herbal
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Discover the benefits of the DTS Kidney Supplement; a blend of traditional Japanese therapy and modern scientific techniques. Since 1992, our dedicated research efforts have focused on ensuring the effectiveness of this carefully crafted formula. Our studies have been conducted at respected research centers worldwide and have been presented at reputable conferences. Additionally, select studies have been published in international medical journals and recognized by the U.S.
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